Sunday, June 26, 2011

Video & Lecture OIL COMBO

Recently in class we had the opportunity to watch: the Crude Awakening, 60 minutes clip on natural shale gas, and Squeezing More Oil from the Ground. These three videos all touched on the same agenda: oil. We are moving from the era of cheap oil (peak oil) to where oil will become more scarce thus even more valuable than what it already is. Unfortunately, we have exploited many of Earth's natural resources including that of oil.

Oil is like the blood of the Earth, said a researcher in one of the videos. And I find that statement to be very true! It was interesting to listen to some of the thoughts some of the scientists had, for example I had never realized that gas what runs most of our machinery and is used in the manufacturing of many more things such as cosmetics, has for a very long time been cheaper than a water bottle. When you stop and think in this way you realize what a big mistake it has been for oil to be so cheap. We have literally abused of a resource that first of all is non-renewable and second of all that has taken this Earth millions and millions years to make. But the worst part is that humanity has known oil is a non-renewable energy source yet we have grown so dependent on it to the point it is in almost everything we touch and do.

The reality will strike when gas does reach a consistent high and then what will we do? Many jobs will be lost plus economic, political, and scientific tension will arise even more throughout the world. My opinion is that we should honestly start investing serious time and knowledge in other forms of energy whether it is electric or natural gas because oil seems to always cause issues with other countries. Oil is going to become more and scarcer till finally it "runs-out" we should make use of our time NOW and figure out new ways that we can solve the dependency we have on a non-renewable environmentally hurtful energy source.

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